[Trainer-talk] new cherrypal africa comments!

Josh jkenn337 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 27 18:25:57 UTC 2009

Hey again. 

well here are my comments on the cherrypal Africa based on an interview I just read. Ok so you can't really choose the operating system. but if blind people are to use the Africa it must be accessible! And to be accessible it must either run windows xp with NVDA, knoppix-adriane, or VinuxCliMax edition. All of these operating systems will let us blind people browse the internet. and that is the purpose of the device. There are many blind people in the United states and around the world who cannot afford their own computers for basic internet browsing, note-taking and playing some free games, doing voice chat. please please please I urge you to add a checkbox to the store, that says: if blind or visually impaired check this box. when checked it'll let the ordering department know, hey a blind person is buying, this africa must be accessible with win-xp and nvda, knoppix-adriane or VinuxCliMax. I think I will email the nfb and ACB about this new netbook also so we can discuss options. please guys this is the chance to give every blind person internet and screen reader access! I do mean every blind person! for $99! for $99 a blind person could buy the Africa set up with knopix-adriane based on latest Debian, win-xp with nvda, or Vinux-cli-max. people at cherrypal, please get this right. Please give us blind people the ability to buy computers from you with an accessible Linux or windows-xp with nvda! I don't care, as long as it lets us browse the internet. 

Josh kennedy jkenn337 at gmail.com 

www.cherrypal.com is the website.

Josh Kennedy jkenn337 at gmail.com
my blog is at http://jkenn337.klangoblog.net (updated frequently). Tired of Microsoft Windows and paying thousands for screen-readers? try out NVDA for Windows, or try out and switch to grml, Ubuntu, Vinux, or knoppix-adriane Linux desktops. Knoppix ubuntu and vinux-cli-max are the most accessible for beginners.

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