[Trainer-talk] Vocational Rehabilitation Unit Technology Coordinator position now open for application Colorado

Chris Foster cjfoster2000 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 29 23:47:28 UTC 2009

Dear Coleagues,
At this time, there is a position open for application as a technology
coordinator with the Colorado Department of Vocational Rehabilitation.  The
closing date for application is July 8, unless the deadline is extended to a
later date.
Please click on the below link to view the job announcement.  Note: a link
shortening service was utilized as the actual link to the Colorado job cite
was over 200 characters long.  This is not spam.
The following link will take you to the job posting.

  <http://tinyurl.com/krwp68> http://tinyurl.com/krwp68

Good luck to any perspective applicants.  Chris Foster   

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