[Trainer-talk] Twitter anyone?

CathyAnne cathyannemurtha at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 20:40:21 UTC 2011

Twitter is an amazing little tool.  I use it a lot.  You don't really need a
tutorial on Twitter.  All you need to do is place your thoughts in an edit
field using 140 characters or less.

If you go to www.twitter.com, you'll find that edit box.  Just type your
thought and activate the tweet button.

Lots of us use little twitter applications that work well.  Since I use
Outlook on a daily basis, I got Twinbox from

Lots of blind people use Qwitter from http://qwitter-client.net/.

Each of these applications has a learning curve but the documentation
provided by the programmers is excellent.  You can also ask questions on
Twitter and get instant responses from those you follow.


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