[Trainer-talk] FW: jobs Oklahoma

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Wed Nov 23 03:46:48 UTC 2011

>From: Michael Jones [mailto:mjones at okdrs.gov]
>Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 7:49 AM
>To: Dick Davis
>Subject: jobs
>Hello Mr. Davis would you please post this on 
>any job list you may know of, we are recruiting 
>for a high level AT person, also for many more jobs in blindness rehab.
>I would be glad to talk with anyone interested.
>Thank you very much.
>12-061 is for an Assistive Technology 
>Coordinator at the Division of Visual Services, 
>VS #90 in Oklahoma City. This is an unclassified 
>“at will,” appointment. The beginning date was, 
>Friday, November 4, 2011 and it is open Until 
>Filled. Look for the OKCareers Recruitment # 111104-UNCB-77
>For a complete listing of field office locations 
>for the DRS please visit our website at <http://www.okdrs.gov/>www.okdrs.gov.
>Please direct anyone who has never worked for 
>the State of Oklahoma to apply through the 
>OKCareers online application system, 
>OKCareers is located by visiting the Oklahoma 
>Office of Personnel Management website at 
><http://www.opm.ok.gov>www.opm.ok.gov / and 
>click on the OKCareers icon (green/yellow/blue 
>circle) on the right side of the page. OKCareers 
>requires the applicant to have an email address.
>The contents of this electronic message, 
>including attachments, are transmitted by the 
>Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services, 
>an Oklahoma government entity. This message is 
>intended for use by the named addressee only and 
>may contain information that is confidential or 
>private according to state or federal laws. The 
>views and opinions expressed herein are the 
>sender's and may not reflect the official 
>position of OKDRS. If you have received this 
>electronic message in error, please notify the 
>sender by a "reply to sender only" message, 
>delete it completely from your computer and 
>maintain confidentiality of the message. Any 
>unauthorized disclosure, distribution, or use of 
>the contents of this message is prohibited and 
>subjects the user to penalty of law.
>   ­­

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