[Trainer-talk] replacing post-its?

laotab laotab at msn.com
Thu Jul 26 07:04:11 UTC 2012

Hi, we are an AT company and we have a client who works in a parts store
that his family runs.  He receives the order and needs to give it to another
person to fill.  It is only a few words.  he doesn't like printing a whole
page, to much of a waste.  It also needs to be portable.  The slips would go
in different slots to be picked up.  all other job functions are fine.  if
he were sighted, he would use a sticky note or a note pad or a small piece
of paper.  I have been looking and have not found anything that would work.
Any thoughts?  Thanks much!


Bridget A. Toal

Office Manager


Synergy-Tech Computing & Consulting

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 <http://www.synergytechpa.com/> www.SynergyTechPa.com



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