[Trainer-talk] double vision software

laotab laotab at msn.com
Thu Sep 20 05:45:37 UTC 2012

Hello all,

We recently got a client with double vision.  An accident back in 1995 to
the left eye resulted in lasic (sp?) surgery before the procedure was
mastered.  Her left eye would not work with the right.  More operations and
she ended up with lens transplants to each eye and ridges on both corneas.
She cannot read anything close up but says she can see distance good.  she
recently got her license back.  although I do not know how she can see
anything on the dashboard.  She has double vision; lines and letters
overlap; spacing is wrong and she sometimes sees rainbows or prisms.  She
said she has to much vision.  She is unable to see large print well, color
contrast doesn't help much.  she does not retain information well just from
listening.  She also has ADHD and comprehension issues.  She has problems
with patterns and direction and cannot get her fingers to type what she
wants them to do.

So, with all of that, she is driving as mentioned, she would like to find a
desk job and work on the computer.  She admits to not being very computer
smart and doesn't use them much.

So, we were thinking of Kurzweil 3000 for the comprehension problems.  But
the magnification programs do not seem to help and she won't do well with a
text to speech program either.  She has heard of Dragon.  That will help her
to type but not to read the text.


I have contacted a few blind and low vision companies and have Googled
software for Double Vision.  Did anyone else know there is a program called
Double Vision?  And it has nothing to do with an eye problem, lol

So, this is a big question mark.  Any suggestions or pointers are greatly
appreciated.  Thanks so much.


Bridget A. Toal

Office Manager


Synergy-Tech Computing & Consulting

Training the Technology of Tomorrow...

Repairing the Technology of Today...


115 Ardmore Ave.

Reading, PA 19607


Office: (484) 706-6179

Fax: (610) 406-5074


 <http://www.synergytechpa.com/> www.SynergyTechPa.com



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