[Trainer-talk] Ethic code

laotab laotab at msn.com
Tue Feb 12 07:53:46 UTC 2013

Seems like the big thing through the State offices now is to get CRC,
continuing education credits for the rehab counselors, for the Ethic codes.

One of the codes is about sexual abuse and how to protect both parties.  The
client and the counselor/vendor.  We go to our client's homes.  We deal with
the age range of right out of high school and up.  Some client's equipment
is located in their bedroom.  Desktop/laptop; scanner, printer and
everything else.  Sometimes this is the only quiet place or the only place
for our client to go.

How do you ensure self protection from false accusations?  There is always a
risk in any room of the house if the appointment is just one on one and
there isn't anyone else at home.  But the bedroom is just too personal of an
area and this is not an uncommon place for our clients to have their
computers.  We have been lucky so far (majorly knocking on all wood and fake
wood) but hope for the best and prepare for the worst.  So I thought I would


PA, AT Training Company

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