[Trainer-talk] ICloud and Outlook 2010

Jim Portillo portillo.jim at gmail.com
Fri Oct 11 04:33:59 UTC 2013



A while back, someone recommended that I download a program or type of app
for my PC computer that would allow my Outlook account to work with ICloud.
Basically, I just wanted my Contacts file on the PC to be the same as my
IPhone, and it was easiest to go through the ICloud settings.


I downloaded the program on to the PC, and it works just fine.  It basically
created a whole subfolder area in Outlook which has several subfolders like
trash, calendar, contacts, etc.

Now, any contacts in Outlook go there instead of the general contacts


However, I need to know the following.  


Is there any way of getting rid of what is in the ICloud Trash folders in
Outlook?  I can't find any way of deleting entire folders, and there are
some things I want to get rid of.  Everything is laid out very nice in these
Outlook ICloud subfolders, but I can't delete things that are trash.

Now, if I'm in my general Outlook ICloud Contacts folder and want to modify
something, I can do that just fine.  But, there is another folder of very
old contacts that I don't want there at all.  Any ideas on how to get rid of


Thanks for your help.






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