[Trainer-talk] Activating Office Assistant

therese gardner what-sharky at att.net
Tue Apr 1 10:30:58 UTC 2014

Hello All:


I apologize for the lengthy message but I figured the more information I
could provide the better.


This message relates to JAWS, Windows 7 and Outlook 2010.


Recently my employer has switched over to Outlook 2010. With this change, I
found that the key commands I used to activate/deactivate Out of office
Assistant no longer worked.


I then began to review numerous matterials I possess to find the answer. No
luck. I also contacted an individual who knows their stuff with JAWS and MO
products. Again, no luck. I finally found something on the internet that
gave me a lead as to what I am looking for and where to begin. However, the
steps I am taking appear to be combersum.


I found that if your e-mail account is part of an exchange server you should
take these steps.


ALT-F to bring up the toolbar

I to bring up Info

Tab approximately two times and you will land on Auto Response

>From there you enter and work your way through the prompts.


The above appears to work.


Again, the above mentioned seems combersum and I just have to believe there
is a few simple key commands to get this job done.


My other delema is this. 


The above mentioned does not work on my home computer. In my quest to find
the answer, the only thing I found was that I need to turn something on
within Outlook that is no longer automatically turned on. What that
something is I have no idea. I presume it is turning on Auto Response. But
where is it?


A friend was trying the Rules Wizzard but again a pain.


One question we came up with is can one create an out of office message
using g-mail? But of course this would only work if one has a g-mail


Any, and all, information would be very much appreciated.



Thank you 




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