[Trainer-talk] NVDA, Firefox and Extra blank Lines

David Goldfield disciple1211 at verizon.net
Sat Oct 18 10:34:43 UTC 2014

I've noticed a harmless but ever so slightly annoying issue with NVDA 
and Firefox.  I don't think this is an NVDA issue, as this seemed to 
have happened when installing Firefox 33.  I was using 2014.3 and have 
installed the latest master build to see if the problem went away, which 
it has not.
On some web pages, I'm noticing extra blank lines where there weren't 
before.  examples include the news heading on the NVDA Web site, where I 
now hear the word "blank" in between many of the links, along with tweet 
options on easychirp.  It's harmless but I'm finding it just a bit 
bothersome.  I'm wondering if anyone knows what's causing it and if 
others have noticed it.



      David Goldfield,
Assistive Technology specialist

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