[Trainer-Talk] Demonstrating the Amazon Echo/Next Phone Meeting/Philly Computer Users' Group for the Blind and Visually Impaired

David Goldfield disciple1211 at verizon.net
Thu Apr 28 00:48:21 UTC 2016

When: April 29
Time: 8:00 PM
(712) 432-3900
Access code: 391477, followed by the pound key

Amazon's Echo products have generated quite a lot of attention. By 
simply giving the device voice commands, you can perform a huge variety 
of tasks.
Lisa Salinger will be our guest presenter during our April 29 phone 
meeting, demonstrating this product. All are welcome to listen and 
participate, even if you're not from the Philadelphia area.

For those who do decide to join us, please mute your line during Lisa's 
demonstration, in order to avoid unnecessary background noise. You can 
unmute once Lisa is ready to take questions. Pressing the star key 
followed by the number 1 will mute your line and pressing star1 will 
unmute you.

In her own words, here is what she plans to cover.

I plan to discuss the three Echo models, and why someone would choose 
each of them. I will demonstrate playing music and books, purchasing 
items, and will sample a variety of skills available on the Echo. I’ll 
also demonstrate navigating the Alexa app on iOS, as well as the 
website. Finally, I’ll discuss a few resources for learning more.

        David Goldfield,
Assistive Technology Specialist

Feel free to visit my Web site

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