[Trainer-Talk] FW: Links to the archived recording of the Webinar, Google Docs and Sheets with JAWS and MAGic

Deborah Armstrong armstrongdeborah at fhda.edu
Mon Oct 24 22:24:50 UTC 2016

I found the below webinar quite helpful, and Dan worked really hard to update and improve the documentation.

I'm not affiliated with VFO in any way, but I do serve blind students who require knowledge of google docs to work effectively in the classroom. Combined with the Learn Tech free tutorials from AFB, this should provide a great foundation for using google docs.

From: Dan Clark [mailto:DClark at vfo-group.com]
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2016 2:57 PM
To: Training
Subject: Links to the archived recording of the Webinar, Google Docs and Sheets with JAWS and MAGic

Hello, and thank you for registering and/or participating in the Webinar, Google Docs and Sheets with JAWS and MAGic.
Listed below are the links to the recorded archive of the lesson:
Recorded archive<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.freedomscientific.com_doccenter_archives_GoogleDocsandSheets&d=CwMFAg&c=xoYdONxMEGxjdvKj5bOdEOV28uakaJ20R4TjadGGZBc&r=gcvya4Pqy0A2EsMRyTgo_6FBoT7u3CEAfkJa0Ic8T-s&m=4l99RbA3ceiOaTBk9-yiOippRT543v0eGXgjLizKFa4&s=eNDydJCu3OUf89AIsEE-fbolyxt2BxcWtk7R8W9LGmI&e=>
If you would prefer to listen to an MP3 of the audio of the presentation, visit the following link:
MP3 file of today's lesson<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.freedomscientific.com_doccenter_archives_JAWS-2DMP3_GoogleDocsandSheets.zip&d=CwMFAg&c=xoYdONxMEGxjdvKj5bOdEOV28uakaJ20R4TjadGGZBc&r=gcvya4Pqy0A2EsMRyTgo_6FBoT7u3CEAfkJa0Ic8T-s&m=4l99RbA3ceiOaTBk9-yiOippRT543v0eGXgjLizKFa4&s=KMvWk7kXbupI178jcYOkrW0UEA9iHtr50BZ_e4Vvei0&e=>
Use this link for the
documentation for the webinar<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__doccenter.freedomscientific.com_doccenter_doccenter_rs25c51746a0cc_googledocsandsheets-2Doctober-2D2016_01-2520Google-2520Docs-2520and-2520Sheets-2520-2D-2520Objectives.htm&d=CwMFAg&c=xoYdONxMEGxjdvKj5bOdEOV28uakaJ20R4TjadGGZBc&r=gcvya4Pqy0A2EsMRyTgo_6FBoT7u3CEAfkJa0Ic8T-s&m=4l99RbA3ceiOaTBk9-yiOippRT543v0eGXgjLizKFa4&s=Jw1whI-cymhO2lnGozDqpDUmiZI9d3ODdNb6147cKFk&e=>
Recordings of Webinars, Keystrokes and Navigation
Archived recordings provide Webinar participants with a method to review lessons held previously. They also allow students the ability to participate in the learning process at a time of their own choosing. This is great for people who cannot attend one or more lessons due to conflicts in their schedule, time-zone differences, and more. This section gives several tips on navigation in the browser window in which the recordings are presented.
Play or Pause Recording

When you listen to a Webinar archive, to play or pause, use the JAWS or MAGic list of form controls, INSERT+F5, to move to the Audio Play/Pause toggle button, and then press SPACEBAR to activate it.

Rewind or Fast Forward the Recording

While the recording is stopped, you can also rewind or skip forward. Use the list of form controls, INSERT+F5, to move to any of the following buttons, and then press SPACEBAR to activate it:

  *   Use the Audio Time elapsed/Skip back button to see how much time has elapsed and to skip backward 30 seconds.
  *   Use the Audio Time remaining/Skip ahead button to skip ahead 30 seconds.

Present and Remaining Time in the Recording

You can read the present time and the remaining time in the archive with the list of form controls, INSERT+F5. Simply look at the item in the list, Audio Seek, Seeks to any position in a track Slider At (for example) 02:05 of 55:36 total. NOTE: This control is not very accessible from the keyboard. Don't try to activate it. After viewing the amount of time elapsed and total time just press ESC to get out of the list of form controls.

When you finish with the archive press ALT+F4 to close the browser window.

Dan Clark
VFO(tm) | Services & Training Department
11800 31st Court North, St. Petersburg, FL 33716
T 800-444-4443
F 727-471-7927
dClark at vfo-group.com<mailto:dClark at vfo-group.com>
Skype dan.clark.trainer
[JAWS Certified 2016]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www2.freedomscientific.com_training_JAWS-2DCertified-2DIndividuals.asp-23clark&d=CwMFAg&c=xoYdONxMEGxjdvKj5bOdEOV28uakaJ20R4TjadGGZBc&r=gcvya4Pqy0A2EsMRyTgo_6FBoT7u3CEAfkJa0Ic8T-s&m=4l99RbA3ceiOaTBk9-yiOippRT543v0eGXgjLizKFa4&s=tmzErNO0Brp4lVOF4qpH6mBpfTnJ4reVf9UJ4NRrSoI&e=>  [MAGic Certified 2016] <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.freedomscientific.com_Products_LowVision_MAGic&d=CwMFAg&c=xoYdONxMEGxjdvKj5bOdEOV28uakaJ20R4TjadGGZBc&r=gcvya4Pqy0A2EsMRyTgo_6FBoT7u3CEAfkJa0Ic8T-s&m=4l99RbA3ceiOaTBk9-yiOippRT543v0eGXgjLizKFa4&s=2ONPOKQEmwrs71cn7WujBrQ62I6aTyMByavsRCp_Guo&e=>
JAWS Certified Individuals Web page<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www2.freedomscientific.com_training_JAWS-2DCertified-2DIndividuals.asp-23clark&d=CwMFAg&c=xoYdONxMEGxjdvKj5bOdEOV28uakaJ20R4TjadGGZBc&r=gcvya4Pqy0A2EsMRyTgo_6FBoT7u3CEAfkJa0Ic8T-s&m=4l99RbA3ceiOaTBk9-yiOippRT543v0eGXgjLizKFa4&s=tmzErNO0Brp4lVOF4qpH6mBpfTnJ4reVf9UJ4NRrSoI&e=>
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