[Trainer-Talk] Prefered OCR software?

Olusegun -- Victory Associates LTD, Inc. ukekearuaro at valtdnet.com
Sat Oct 29 12:58:24 UTC 2016

Greg, Abbyy FineReader is in the mainstream and most certainly much cheaper
in comparison to specially adapted software.  Besides, Abbyy FineReader
keeps things reasonably simple and much easier to learn and not too many
complicated keystrokes.  

These are the reasons why I will cast my vote for Abbyy FineReader.  I have
been using it myself forever, though I am NOT a trainer.  Keeping cost down
is an important issue for me and if there's something in the mainstream that
can help do that, it's what I'll settle for.  I suspect your training centre
runs some kind of a network; it's far cheaper to get licensed for a network
version of Abbyy FineReader than it is for OpenBook or Kurzweil1000.  Just
my quarter centime thought for whatever it is worth!

Denver, Colorado

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