[Trainer-Talk] Philosophical discussion -- can you teach people to follow instructions?

Deborah Armstrong armstrongdeborah at fhda.edu
Thu Sep 15 16:07:33 UTC 2016

My co-worker is able-bodied. He has several advanced college degrees. He is fit, and handsome and half my age.

His 16GB Galaxy 5 has no more room for storing data. This is a regular occurrence; he comes to me nearly every week in a panic about it. In desperation, he bought a 128GB SD card, which, when we looked through his storage this morning, has over 120G free still.

I have located many pages, Youtube videos and the like to assist him, but his phone is filled with private data, which I believe is why he asks me, the blind person to assist, because there is no worry that I will actually see any of it.

This page:
for example has clear and accessible instructions for solving all his issues. He doesn't need it to be accessible but I chose this page to show to the list.

Anyway, all my efforts have been for naught. Despite his P.H.D. in psychology, he seems psychologically incapable of following instructions.

I guess what I'm wondering here is what techniques do you all use to teach people how to take charge of their own learning? I work in a community college with disabled students who are often terribly dependent! This example of my co-worker is only the most dramatic because he's otherwise so competent.


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