[Trainer-Talk] Typing/Keyboarding Training Program without Speech

Mauricio Molina mauriciohmolina at gmail.com
Thu Jul 13 02:51:59 UTC 2017

Hello All, 


I am working with an individual who is low vision and absolutely loathes
speech synthesizers. This individual is using ZoomText Magnifier and would
like a recommendation for a typing/keyboarding tutorial program which does
not use speech whatsoever. As a screen reader user myself, I depend on and
have worked with typing tutorial applications from developers that utilize
speech, e.g., MarvelSoft, YesAccessibility, and APH. This individual,
however, is adamant about not having speech as part of the tutorial. Short
of muting the volume, does anyone have any recommendations? In speaking with
an A.T. vendor, they suggested Mavis Beacon but they did not know how this
particular application would work with ZoomText. 


Thanks for any and all suggestions. 



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