[Trainer-Talk] Introduction Brianna McDowell

David Andrews dandrews920 at comcast.net
Thu Aug 8 04:22:26 UTC 2019

The NFB list is called jobs and you can join at 


At 08:44 PM 8/7/2019, you wrote:
>In addition to the NFB's Blindjobs mailing list I would also 
>recommend that you join LinkedIn, assuming that you haven't already 
>done so. It's an excellent tool for networking. The site contains 
>many groups pertaining to assistive technology and there may well be 
>a group covering a.t.-related career opportunities. Also, using 
>mainstream sites like Indeed, Monster and Careerbuilder I would 
>recommend setting up keyword alerts for terms such as "assistive 
>technology" along with  a city and state such as "assistive 
>technology" in Atlanta, GA. You'd be amazed what sites like 
>Indeed.com will often turn up. Along with those sites I also 
>recommend Dice.com, which specializes in tech-related jobs. They 
>often list opportunities dealing with assistive or adaptive technology.
>If you're on Twitter it wouldn't hurt to follow at a11yjobs.
>Hope this helps. I wish you all the best.
>David Goldfield, Assistive Technology Specialist JAWS Certified: 
>2019 WWW.David-Goldfield.Com<http://WWW.David-Goldfield.Com>
>On 8/7/2019 10:02 AM, Brianna's Email via Trainer-Talk wrote:
>Hello, my name is Brianna Mcdowell. I am just introducing myself to 
>all list members. I am from the state of Georgia and I am a 
>certified assistive technology instructor. I was wondering if anyone 
>on this list could give me some tips or information about possible 
>internships or employment as an assistive technology trainer. It is 
>so nice to meet all of you.
>Sent from my iPhone

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