[Trainer-Talk] For JAWS Users: Leasey Total Package Available At a Reduced Price

David Goldfield david.goldfield at outlook.com
Mon Dec 23 22:20:11 UTC 2019

Hello. I sent the following message to the mailing list for the Philadelphia Computer Users Group for the Blind and Visually Impaired, which I moderate, and wanted to send it here, as well.

From now until December 27 Hartgen Consultancy is offering Leasey Total for 50 British pounds, which is around $67 U.S. dollars. It is very difficult to concisely summarize what this program does as it's a Swiss army knife filled with tons of tools and utilities. Leasey Total comes with two modules, Leasey Basic and Leasey Advanced.

Leasey Basic is for users who might consider themselves to be extreme novices, very new to computers or perhaps users who just want a systematic, predictable way of accessing the main programs on their computer. Instead of dealing with the Windows start menu or the desktop there is a dedicated menu known as the Leasey menu, which is read by a human voice. This menu includes items such as Surf the Internet, Write a Document or Letter, Check Your Email, Listen to the Radio, etc. It also offers context sensitive help, using the same human speech which is offered in the menus. Leasey Basic might also be helpful for users with cognitive difficulties. It also comes with a training tutorial covering the basic features and is honestly one of the best training tutorials I have heard in quite some time.

Leasey Advanced dispenses with the simplified menus and returns your computer to its normal state with the start menu and desktop. It offers a ton of additional features. Features that I personally like are:

Leasey Texts. This is a bit like the text expansion feature found in Word except that you can use it globally. You can create a list of shortcuts which can type in a pre-written piece of text, such as a shopping list, signature to a letter, etc. You can also assign an abbreviation to a Leasey text, such as typing the letters sig to type a signature.

Leasey clips allow you to save up to twelve pieces of text to areas not unlike the clipboard. Each clip can be recalled, pasted anywhere and they are available even with a computer restart.

Leasey Clock includes an alarm, countdown timer, stopwatch and even some very nice Westminster chimes.

Leasey Radio offers a built-in radio tuner, available anywhere.

It offers so much more but those are just a few of its features. Leasey Central <https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.leaseycentral.com&data=02%7C01%7C%7Caaa462d27ac544fb48eb08d787f60c84%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637127363141952836&sdata=8CqCETV7AcPCH9OJ9YcD3oNgYFRfvKPl2UN695Grz34%3D&reserved=0> offers far more detailed information about this software.

I know I've mentioned this program quite a bit in the past year. For the record I am not affiliated with Hartgen Consultancy. Brian Hartgen and I are nothing more than professionals in this industry. We have never met, never worked with one another and I get absolutely no commission from any sales which my messages might generate. I just feel that he's made some positive and unique contributions in this space which are very beneficial to users of JAWS and I just want to let everyone know about what he offers.

David Goldfield,
Blindness Assistive Technology Specialist


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