[Trainer-Talk] Book for NVDA Users: Making Computers Fun

David Goldfield david.goldfield at outlook.com
Sun Mar 31 05:39:29 UTC 2019

From the April ACB E-forum ..

Making Computers Fun

“Making Computers Fun” is a book intended for anyone who wants to learn the basics. It is printed in 18-point Arial.

The guide provides hands-on instruction in conjunction with Nonvisual Desktop Access (NVDA). It includes directions on how to use the accessibility features
of Windows 7 and 10. It has five sections: “Becoming a Laptop Legend,” “Becoming Word Wise” (Microsoft Word), “Having a Better Outlook” (Outlook 2010),
“Stepping into Cyberspace” (the Internet), and “Developing a Media Library” (archiving personal communication, recipes, music, etc.).

The package includes: the guide in print (braille upon request), one DVD containing all materials and one blank CD for use in lesson 30.

For more information, contact Dan Thompson at (217) 243-6781, email him at
dmt031073 at gmail.com<mailto:dmt031073 at gmail.com>,
or write him at 136 W. Chambers, Jacksonville, IL 62650.


David Goldfield, Assistive Technology Specialist WWW.David-Goldfield.Com<https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2FWWW.David-Goldfield.Com&data=02%7C01%7C%7C7eae07736f7944241a1808d6b59aa2cd%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636896073085696898&sdata=Yaugc2HeZtn73Jr%2B7nAE3vXGuKH%2FZ%2F5Nxl01wzNI9Cw%3D&reserved=0>

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