[Trainer-Talk] Speech Recognition software for Mac

Morin, Gary (NIH/OD) [E] moring at mail.nih.gov
Thu Nov 21 19:18:50 UTC 2019

Now that Nuance has stopped producing Dragon for Mac, what speech recognition software applications has anyone found to use successfully on Mac notebooks?  Is anyone using Dragon for Mac v.6, simply without official support from Nuance?

Gary M. Morin, Program Analyst
NIH Office of the Chief Information Officer

6555 Rock Spring Drive, Suite 300, Room 3NE-28
Bethesda, MD. 20817, Mail Stop: 4801

(301) 402-3924 Voice, (240) 200 5030 Videophone
(301) 451-9326 TTY/NTS; (301) 402-4464 Fax

NIH Section 508: http://508.nih.gov<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2f508.nih.gov%2f&c=E,1,yRYv8nc313_uUjAiL-cmzxX6fUNtr4x89M3ouCh5AVVU954KFz8JKXTB-INeiK_9FmtgpiD7Vw7bCNioT4AaMTYGFdXrtjlWxa3taOk9&typo=0>, NIH Section 508 Coordinators list: https://ocio.nih.gov/ITGovPolicy/NIH508/Pages/Section508Coordinators.aspx<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2focio.nih.gov%2fITGovPolicy%2fNIH508%2fPages%2fSection508Coordinators.aspx&c=E,1,ZYTZ_4FjsHJTY1MiCEoAWM1aJQe62FzE1EYwbAPlZwhY36dQXvqD7V-Rjt91Z7vuW58cEJi7lQaPB0ctat-JjkkLIq56MAqvWKjn9Xcb--XZ_mVfIi0huw,,&typo=0>

NIH Section 508 Team: mailto:Section508Help at mail.nih.gov?subject=Section 508 Help<mailto:Section508Help at mail.nih.gov?subject=Section%20508%20Help> or, for Section 508 Guidance<http://www.hhs.gov/web/508/index.html>, http://www.hhs.gov/web/508/index.html

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