[Trainer-Talk] CSUN inquiry

David Andrews dandrews920 at comcast.net
Fri Feb 21 03:18:12 UTC 2020

There are a couple nearby hotels -- don't remember off the top of my 
head, but will ask around tomorrow.


At 06:54 PM 2/20/2020, you wrote:
>I'm sure that many friends and people I know on this list will be attending
>the upcoming CSUN conference. After many years of not having been there,
>I've gotten permission to attend and am making the necessary preparation
>plans. I've learned that the block of rooms at the hotel is not only full
>but sold out, and the other rooms available are frightfully expensive, even
>with the government rate.  Does anyone know about near-by hotels that are
>inexpensive and within walking distance from the main hotel and conference
>center?  Please message or email me with information or suggestions. One
>suggestion I was given is full. Thanks.

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