[Trainer-Talk] Dragon, possible OT questions

nikpetersson at blindmast.com nikpetersson at blindmast.com
Thu Sep 24 18:31:25 UTC 2020

Good morning all and happy Thursday.

I apologize ahead of time if this is off topic for this list and if so, I stand corrected for posting to this list.

I am working with a client who is using Dragon with additional low vision AT.

The client needs to copy and paste lists from one word file to another word file.  The lists may be of unknown length and may be multi-level lists.

I am able to use Dragon to select line and paragraph segments, but I would like to be able to select the complete list at one time or in as few commands as possible.

All thoughts are welcome and again, I apologize if this is an OT post.  I have cross posted this on the JSay list as well, but trying to get an answer as soon as possible.

Kind regards, Nik.

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