[Trainer-Talk] Numpad Nav Mode: New NVDA Add-on to Allow for Standard Cursor Navigation Using the Numeric Keypad

David Goldfield david.goldfield at outlook.com
Wed Sep 30 21:25:55 UTC 2020

Please note that I have not yet had a chance to use this addon and so I 
am currently unable to answer any questions regarding it. Here is the 
description of the addon, followed by the link where it can be obtained.

Numpad Nav Mode is an NVDA add-on, which allows you to easily switch 
your keyboard's numpad between NVDA's navigation controls and the 
non-screenreader Windows navigation controls.

The normal functions of the PC number pad, with numlock off, are: page 
up, page down, home, end, four-way arrow keys, and a delete key. But 
NVDA completely takes over the numpad, to provide review keys, mouse 
controls, and object navigation controls. This is true even in laptop 
keyboard mode, which duplicates those functions on non-numpad keys for 
those who do not have a numpad.

However some users do have a numpad on their laptop, and would prefer to 
use it for Windows navigation purposes, especially because some laptops 
do not provide home, end, or other such keys. That is where this add-on 
can help. Additionally, some desktop users may sometimes find it 
convenient to use the numpad for those keyboard functions rather than 
the normal keys, which this add-on enables.

How it works
With numlock off, no matter what keyboard layout you are using, this 
add-on will let you press Alt+NVDA+NumpadPlus (which is usually the long 
key second up on the right), to quickly and easily switch between the 
normal NVDA navigation controls, and the classic Windows navigation 
controls. This key can be remapped under Input Gestures, in the Input 

Note that this add-on doesn't disable the use of numpad insert as an 
NVDA modifier, if you have it set as such. If you want that feature, 
please let me know, although you can manually turn off numpad insert as 
a modifier in NVDA keyboard settings.

If you would prefer to have NVDA start with the Windows nav mode active 
by default, you can configure that in NVDA configuration. Go to NVDA's 
preferences, then settings, and find the Numpad Nav Mode settings panel. 
There you will be able to select a checkbox to turn Windows Nav Mode on 
by default when you start NVDA. To get there quickly, press NVDA+N, P, 
S, then N one or more times until you hear "Numpad Nav Mode".

New features
I encourage you to email with any feature suggestions, or other use 
cases that I haven't listed here, or just to let me know you find the 
add-on useful!

This add-on was the direct result of requests I've seen from users over 
the years, and a GitHub discussion in #9549. With thanks to 
@Qchristensen and @feerrenrut.

David Goldfield,
Blindness Assistive Technology Specialist
JAWS Certified, 2019


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