[Trainer-Talk] Comparison of Refreshable Braille Displays

Christopher Nusbaum cnusbaum at imagemd.org
Wed Sep 13 16:50:30 UTC 2023

Hi All:


My trusty BrailleSense 6, which I use daily for my training work and many
other purposes, suffered water damage and will now have to be shipped to
Hims for repair. Considering the features I use and don't use on my
BrailleSense, as well as the potential cost of the repair, I'm wondering if
it might be more cost-effective for me to switch to a stand-alone display.
My preference would be one with a Perkins-style keyboard and some basic
stand-alone features, such as a basic notepad and a file manager. I realize
there are some BrailleSense features I like that I would be giving up if I
go this route, particularly the integration of Google Drive, Dropbox, and
Google Calendar, but I can get used to that, and I primarily use my
BrailleSense as a display for my iPhone or my PC anyway.


So far, I've talked with the Hims tech support rep about their QBraille, and
I've heard some good things about the Focus and the Brailliant. I'm
interested in hearing from others in the field, particularly those who have
tried multiple models, on pros and cons of each. Should I go this route, or
should I stick with the BrailleSense? If I go with a display, what are your


Thanks for your feedback!




Christopher A. Nusbaum, Bridges Project Coordinator

The IMAGE Center for People with Disabilities

300 E. Joppa Road, Suite 312

Towson, MD 21286

Helpdesk: (410) 357-1546 (call or text)

Cell: (443) 547-2409

Email: cnusbaum at imagemd.org <mailto:cnusbaum at imagemd.org> 

Bridges website

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"Bridges Project: Bridging the College Completion Gap for Blind/Low Vision
Students in Maryland"


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