[Trainer-Talk] Possible Mistake and Confusion regarding Microsoft Outlook

Brian Vogel britechguy at gmail.com
Wed Aug 7 15:09:59 UTC 2024

*Too many Microsoft Outlook's - we explain them all*
<https://office-watch.com/2022/many-faces-of-microsoft-outlook/>  (last
updated July 2024)

The long and the short of it, as of today's date is this:

1. Outlook for Windows - Official name of what replaces the Mail, People,
and Calendar Apps on Windows 10 & 11.  Free.

2. Outlook 365 -  Is one program, with two user interface variants:

          a) New Outlook - this UI and the UI for Outlook for Windows are
virtually identical and while not inaccessible, are not particularly screen
reader friendly.  Much of the functionality we know and love in Outlook 365
(classic) is missing.

          b) Outlook Classic, which is, at times, styled Outlook
(Classic).  It will be supported until 2029.

          c)  One can toggle between the New Outlook and Outlook Classic
User Interface in Outlook 365.  Even though it's now past the preview
stage, the instructions for toggling between New Outlook and Outlook
Classic remain the same:  Getting back to Outlook Classic User Interface if
you're in the Inaccessible New Outlook User Interface (AKA Outlook Preview
or Outlook PRE)

          d) If the simplified ribbons are showing in Outlook Classic,
here's how you go back to the full ribbons: Restoring the Classic Ribbons
in Outlook 365 <https://groups.io/g/M365-Accessibility/message/7552>

Brian V

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