[Txabs] Keeping TABS Issue 2013-02

Texas Association of Blind Students tabs at nfbtx.org
Fri Mar 1 01:26:02 UTC 2013

Howdi Y'all,
Attached as well as pasted below is the February issue of Keeping
TABS. This article was written by Jhosselin Sosa, in which she
reflects on her Washington Seminar experience. As always, if you have
something you'd like to write about for our newsletter, feel free to
write to us directly to this email address, or contact Monica
Villarreal at mmviga at gmail.com.


Keeping TABS
A Publication of the Texas Association of Blind Students

Gabriel Cazares, President
Maria Monica Villarreal, Editor


Washington Seminar: My Experience
By Jhosselin Sosa

>From the editor: Jhosselin is currently a protégé in the NFB of Texas
Project CHANGE Program. As the recipient of the first ever TABS Glenn
and Norma Crosby Washington Seminar Scholarship, she had the unique
opportunity of attending one of the largest and most influential
gatherings of blind people. Jhosselin is currently a freshmen at
Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas studying
Public Relations with the long-term goal of becoming a motivational
speaker. Let her words inspire you to apply for next year’s
scholarship; here’s what she has to say!

	Reading about Congress in a textbook is one thing, but try standing
in front of a representative of the house and trying to explain to him
why he should support a certain piece of legislation. Suddenly you
wish you hadn’t slept through all those political science lectures.
	When I first found out I’d be attending the Washington Seminar, I’ll
admit, I was more excited about traveling to Washington, D.C. than the
actual purpose of the trip. But during the seminar, I learned more
about the three pieces of legislation we were pushing for, and I
realized why everyone was so passionate about going to Capitol Hill.
The issues we were trying to get sponsored affect me now, and probably
will affect me in the future. Who wouldn’t want the opportunity to
change laws that affect them personally?
	Our group leaders had warned us that we probably wouldn’t get to
speak to a representative, but we’d be lucky if we got to give one of
their aids our information folder. They didn’t count on the fact that
most house representatives like dogs, and two of us had brought our
Seeing Eye dogs along. Sure enough, we were standing in the hallways
speaking to an assistant when the representative himself walked up. It
impressed me how down-to-Earth he was, and we appreciated that he’d
taken the time out of his busy day to listen to what we had to say.
Furthermore, he seemed very interested on the issues we were speaking
of and promised to help us as much as he could.
	Even though taking a picture with a Congress representative certainly
was a highlight of my experience, my favorite part was getting the
opportunity to meet and interact with blind students from other
states. Although I didn’t get to go sight-seeing much, (I preferred to
go shopping), I enjoyed traveling and getting lost around the city. It
amazed me the lengths people would go in the streets, stores, and
restaurants to make us feel welcomed to D.C., and I hope I get to go
back someday.
	All in all, I was sad to come home. I was fortunate to have been
chosen to be part of this impressive seminar. It was definitely a
memorable experience, and I hope more students will be able to
continue to be a part of it for years to come.

Gabriel M. Cazares, President
Texas Association of Blind Students
A Division of the National Federation of the Blind of Texas
Phone: 713-581-0619
Email: gcazares at nfbtx.org
Visit our homepage for more information on the 2013 Parent and Student
Joint Seminar!
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