[Txabs] The 2015 NFB National Scholarship Checklist and rules

jonathan franks franks.jonathan13 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 24 17:31:28 UTC 2014

Seasons greetings Tabsters!

I hope that everyone is enjoying their holiday season, time with
family and loved ones. As we embark into the upcoming Spring Semester
in a few weeks, let us take the chance to think about our futures and
take advantages of opportunities for free money. Because, Who does not
like free money?

The deadline for the 2015 National Federation of the Blind National
Scholarship is March 31st. The Winter Break is an excellent
opportunity to write your essays, contact Our Affiliate President
Norma Crosby at ncrosby at nfbtx.org in order to have her write your
letter of recommendation and obtain the other necessary documents for
the Scholarship Application.

Curious to know what is actually required for the application? Please
see the information below.

National Federation of the Blind 2015 Scholarship Program
2015 Scholarship Program Deadline: March 31, 2015
Are you a legally blind college student living in the United States or
Puerto Rico? This annual program offers 30 scholarships worth from
$3,000 to $12,000 to eligible students, from high school seniors
beginning their freshman year in the fall semester of 2015, up through
grad students working on their PhD degrees. These merit scholarships
are based on academic excellence, community service, and leadership.
In addition to the money, each winner will receive assistance to
attend the July 2015 NFB annual convention in Orlando, Florida,
providing an excellent opportunity for high-level networking with
active blind persons in many different professions and occupations. To
apply, read the rules and the Submission Checklist, complete the
official 2015 Scholarship Application Form (online or in print),
supply all required documents, and request and complete one interview
by an NFB affiliate president (unless the president requests a later
date). Applications are accepted for five months, from November 1,
2014, to March 31, 2015. Go to www.nfb.org/scholarships for complete
rules and requirements.

If you have any questions about the National Scholarship program,
please contact Patti Chang at pattischang at gmail.com

Good luck and have a great rest of the holiday season!

Warm Regards,

Jonatahn Franks
Texas Association of Blind Students

"People look for miracles, people look for wonders, people expect
surprises of all kinds,". "Yet the greatest wonder, the greatest
miracle, the greatest surprise is to be found in one's heart." –
Muhammad Ali

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