[Uabs] Thank you for Joining Us!

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Mon Mar 1 06:03:02 UTC 2010

Hello everybody,
 I just wanted to take a moment   and thank everyone for joining the
National Association of Blind Students membership  committee in what
was a very informitive call.
  Melissa and Mark Riccabono were guest speakers on this call and
were wonderful folks to share tips, tricks, and stories about being a
blind parent.  If you were there, I'm sure you will agree it was
probably one of  our best calls yet.
  If you missed it,  just know there are more calls for everyone to
make  it to, and  wonderful oppertunities to share stories with fellow
students both familiar and unfamiliar to you.  We'll be  sending out
the information for our next call  very soon, so  please  stay  tuned
to your local list serve and  check out nabs on  twitter by looking up
"nabslink" and on facebook by looking up "national  association of
blind  students"
Again, thank you for your presence on these calls and your support and
please feel  free to contact the membership committee  should you have
questions, comments or suggestions!
  The Nabs Membership Committee.

Darian Smith
Skype: The_Blind_Truth
Windows Live: Lightningrod2010 at live.com
The National Federation of the Blind has launched a nationwide teacher
recruitment campaign to help attract energetic and passionate
individuals into the field of blindness education, and we need your
help!   To Get Involved  go to:

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