[Uabs] National Association of Blind Students Membership committee Presents: extra curricular activities; a conference call.

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Tue Mar 16 13:49:08 UTC 2010

Greetings fellow scholars!
  I think  you and I both know what time it is! ( time to get  those
mid terms back *sigh*)
 Actually,  it’s time for the National Association of Blind students
membership conference call! (presented by your not-so- local National
Association of Blind Students membership committee).
 This call will take place on Sunday march 21st (yep, this Sunday) at
7p.m. eastern time on the nabs conference line (712.775.7100,
passscode 257963).
 We will be talking about extra curricular a Activities, and we  will
have  Antonio Guimaraes of the membership committee and Cindy  Bennet;
 a student, and officer of the North Carolina Association of Blind
Students, to share their stories and encourage you to do the same.

 So, to recap:
Who:? The National Association of Blind Students membership committee.
What?:   nabs membership conference call
When?: Sunday! Sunday? Yes! Sunday! March 21st.

Where?:  I’m glad you asked!  Call712.775.7100 and don’t forget  to
use the passcode 257963 to gain entrance to the party!
Why?:  Because while class is  a very important  part of the learning
experience; getting into  the social aspects of scholastic life is a
very  important  and healthy thing.
  Need we say more? – Doubted it. We look forward to seeing you there!
  Warm regards,
 The  NABS membership committee.

Darian Smith
Skype: The_Blind_Truth
Windows Live: Lightningrod2010 at live.com
The National Federation of the Blind has launched a nationwide teacher
recruitment campaign to help attract energetic and passionate
individuals into the field of blindness education, and we need your
help!   To Get Involved  go to:

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