[Uabs] Nabs membership Conference call: About S.T.E.M.

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Mon Oct 11 19:39:03 UTC 2010

Attention All Students!

Ever been curious about what majors and specializations blind
individuals have had in the past? Have you ever felt like learning
about fields such as Science, Technology, Engineering and Math-
(STEM), are “too difficult”? Do alternative techniques a blind person
may use in such fields just baffle you?

If any of the above apply to you-
Please attend the Membership phone call, presented by the Membership
Committee of the National Association of Blind Students. We are going
to cover concerns, techniques, and generalized information about how
blind students can participate on equal terms with their sighted
peers, even when focusing on STEM fields.

Date: Sunday, October 17, 2010
When: 7:15 pm EST #
Where: NABS conference line- (712)775-7100 Code: 257963#.
Why: TO learn and network with other blind students who wish to
pursuer careers, or just get to know about opportunities in the STEM
fields for the blind.

We will discuss items such as the NASA Excel program, Youth Slam, the
Junior Science Academy, etc… We are open to all types of technique
questions, resource question, to be answered by the guest speaker and
the committee. Hope to see you there!


Membership Committee
National Association of Blind Students

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