[Uabs] Reminder: Upcoming membership calls.

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 16:50:29 UTC 2011

 Hi all,

   On behalf of The membership committee of the National Association of
 Blind Students,  I would like to  draw your attention to the date
 Sunday, March 27.
  On Sunday the 27th,  the membership committee will hold two calls.
 The first call  is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. eastern time, and will be a
 continuation of the summer program conference call.  On this call, we
 will have reps fromLCB and BLIND inc who will talk about their summer
 programs, and how  youth may get involved in a summer of  education,
 fun, and maybe  a little  part-time employment :)
  The Second call, at  7p.m. will talk about  the three NFB training
 centers.  On this call, students  who are currently   attending a
 training center will be on hand to talk about their expiriences at the
 center, and answer  any questions you may have.

  Call in  information for these calls,  to take place  on sunday march
 27, and 6:30, and 7p.m. eastern time, respectivly are as follows:
  (712) 775 - 7100.
  Pass code is 257963.

  Be on the look out for more info, but save the date!
    Bringing the info from across the country to your computer,
 landline,  cell phone, victor stream or whatever new contraptions
 those dang students have these days,
  The National Association of Blind Students Membership committee.

 . --
 Darian Smith

 Board member /Chair: Membership committee
  National Association of blind Students
  2nd Vice-president
  California Association of Blind Students
 Skype: The_Blind_Truth
 Windows Live: Lightningrod2010 at live.com
 Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/goldengateace

 "The purpose of life is a life of purpose.

 — Robert Byrne

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