[Uabs] NABS Events To Put On Your Convention Radar!

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Tue Jun 19 07:38:33 UTC 2012

Hello fellow students,
 We are fast approaching convention (can you believe it?)
A few announcements/reminders from the national
Association of Blind Students:

1.      Don’t forget the nabs meeting that will
Take place on Sunday, July 1.  Registration is at 6:15 p.m. and the
Meeting begins promptly at 7; but to avoid standing in long lines when
the meeting starts, please show up early.  If you register before
6:45, your name will be entered into the drawing for an exciting door
prize, to be given out at the conclusion of the nabs meeting at
10:00.  This year our meeting will be held in the Stemmons Ballroom in
The Atrium lobby.  This is a change from past years in Dallas when our
Meeting was on the tower side, so take note and don't autopilot
Yourself to the wrong place! For more information, please watch out
for the many updates to follow.

2. On Saturday evening from9:00 to midnight, NABS will be hosting a
Student Hospitality Night in the Affiliate Action Suite, Room
2372.   Here we will have snacks and games. Come on by to meet and mingle
With other blind high school, college, graduate and nontraditional
Students.  Plenty of NABS
Board members and state division leaders will be on hand as well.  So
If you have ideas about what you would like to see NABS doing or how
We might strengthen the organization, definitely bring those along,
Too.    Drop in and drop
Out whenever you wish, but be sure to drop by! Even if you plan to
rock karaoke, or are new to convention and wish to visit the Rookie
Roundup (a gathering for first-time
convention attendees), we would still love it if you would make nabs a
part of your plans Saturday night!

3. Finally, NABS will be hosting our Monte Carlo fundraiser on Wednesday,
July 4 from 8:00pm to 11:30.  The action will be taking place in the
Morocco Room in the Tower mezzanine.  For $10 participants will get a
bag of chips to go play Texas Hold'em, blackjack, and other card
Games.  Bring your friends, or come make some new ones! A cash bar will
Be available.  Come on out and support your fellow students and the
Work we do in NABS!
 Should you have any questions about any of our nabs events, please
Feel free to contact any of the nabs board and we would love to
Answer them for you!

 See you in a little less than two weeks!!

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