[Uabs] Volunteers needed for 2013 national Association of blind students events.

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Thu Jun 6 13:31:23 UTC 2013

The Following comes from Cindy Bennett of the NABS Board, who is Coordinating convention logistics for our events at   this year's 2013 national convention in Orlando, Florida. 
 Should you wish to assist us, please get in touch with her directly.


The 2013 national convention is fast approaching, and we need your
help! NABS is not the board; it is the membership. So in order to pull
off events, we need the support of our membership. We have many
excellent opportunities for you to volunteer. You can either assist at
our exhibit hall table where you can tell passersby about how awesome
NABS is as well as assist us in fundraising, or you can use your
all-too-loud voice for good by martialing attendees to our NABS
Social, our annual business meeting, or our lucky Monte Carlo
fundraiser. You can also help us stay organized by assisting in
setting up or cleaning up Monte Carlo and by selling chips, and if you
can deal cards, we really need you!

Below is a list of dates and times for the events in which we need
help. If this year is your first convention and these events make
absolutely no sense to you, sign up for something anyway! Please do
your part for NABS and sign up for a shift or 2! Please email me at
clb5590 at gmail.com to let me know which shifts you are interested in.
Please provide a phone number that you will be reachable by during
convention. Also, please pass this along to your members who are going
to convention. We need their help too!


July 1st, 2013

Martials needed for the NABS social from 8:45—9:30.

July 2nd, 2013
Exhibit Hall

July 3rd, 2013

Exhibit Hall

Business Meeting martials needed. Report to Junior Ballroom F at 6:00
and martial until 7:00.

July 4, 2013

Exhibit Hall

Monte Carlo

Set-up (you will be given a location in advance)

All other volunteers report to Salons 1 and 2

We especially need people for these shifts!
9:30—11:30 (will need to stay a bit after)

Cindy Bennett
Secretary: National Association of Blind Students
Legislative Coordinator: National Federation of the Blind of Washington

B.A. Psychology, UNC Wilmington
clb5590 at gmail.com

Darian Smith
2nd Vice President, National Association of Blind Students
dsmithnfb at gmail.com

Follow the National Association of Blind Students on twitter: @nabslink

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