[Uabs] Accessible Communications: Calibrating the User Experience
sharlyn at tbase.com
Thu Oct 8 15:55:08 UTC 2015
The best way to improve the state of accessibility for consumers who are blind, deaf-blind or partially sighted at North American companies is to gain insight and then get the word out to the people who can either make improvements themselves (the companies) or be catalysts for change (the consumers).
My name is Sharlyn Ayotte, and I am the Founder of and Consumer Engagement Officer for T-Base Communications, a full-service accessible communications company that specializes in producing accessible statements and bills on behalf of North America's largest corporations and education providers. The large volume of accessibility-related questions we receive from our customers tells us businesses are interested in learning about and improving the user experience.
Because there are few, if any, up-to-date stats from consumers who are blind, deaf-blind or partially sighted and because your feedback is the most valuable, we've put together a few questionnaires, each taking less than 5 minutes to complete, asking about experiences obtaining accessible statements and bills from call centers, in-branch/in-store and online.
In the end, we'll have a data-packed final report to share with our customers and with end-user consumers across North America, in an effort to help calibrate the user experience.
If you or someone you know is blind, deaf-blind or partially sighted, we need your help. We need to reach as many people as possible; with sufficient participation we'll have statistically sound results. We anticipate these results will not only increase awareness of accessibility in North America, but also influence future policies.
Begin the questionnaire<http://tbase.com/accessible-communications-calibrating-user-experience> and see below for two other ways you can support us.
1. Share our initiative on social media with your followers. You can do so by simply going to our social media properties and sharing our tweets and status updates on the following properties:
2. Invite friends and colleagues in the blind, deaf-blind and partially sighted community to participate. Simply copy and paste the text below in an email, and include the link to the questionnaire.
If you are a member of the blind, deaf-blind or partially sighted community, T-Base Communications would like to learn more about your experience receiving accessible information formats. Completing the questionnaire takes approximately 5 minutes. Access the questionnaire<http://tbase.com/accessible-communications-calibrating-user-experience> or call 1-800-563-0668 Ext. 1229 to receive the questionnaire in an alternate format of your choice.
Thank you in advance. Please don't hesitate to contact me at sharlyn at tbase.com<mailto:sharlyn at tbase.com> if you have any questions or would like to chat further.
Have a great day!
Sharlyn Ayotte
Consumer Engagement Officer
T-Base Communications
Phone: 613-236-0866 | Toll free: 1-800-563-0668
www.tbase.com<http://www.tbase.com/> | Ogdensburg, NY | Ottawa, ON
Have questions? We have answers. Just ask us! #asktbase<http://www.tbase.com/webform/ask-tbase>
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