<font face="Helvetica, Helvetica">Please note that the original copy of
the below message went out with an incorrect e-mail address to respond if
you are interested in participating. The correct e-mail address is
<a href="mailto:fmd22@pitt.edu">fmd22@pitt.edu</a>. Our apologies for
this error.<br><br>
</font> <br><br>
<font face="Helvetica, Helvetica">----------<br><br>
Dear Students,<br><br>
</font> <br><br>
<font face="Helvetica, Helvetica">Please see the below announcement about
an opportunity to participate in some important Braille and technology
related research. This research will help provide some important
data to the field so we encourage you to participate if you fit the
criteria. Let your voice be heard. <br><br>
</font> <br><br>
<font face="Helvetica, Helvetica">Thank you,<br><br>
Mark A. Riccobono<br><br>
Executive Director, Jernigan Institute<br><br>
</font> <br><br>
<font face="Helvetica, Helvetica">-------------<br><br>
[Flyer for Students: Announcement of Study]<br><br>
Seeking Students for Research Study<br><br>
Students who are between the ages of 16 and 22 years who are Braille
readers and users of assistive technology are needed for a study. This
study will explore how you use both Braille and electronic information
for classroom work, and how you learned these literacy practices. The
purpose of this research will be to add to our understanding of the
current role of both hard-copy (paper) Braille and use of electronic
access to information by people who are blind from ages 16-22, and your
attitudes and perceptions about both Braille and technology. This
information will inform how we prepare pre-service teachers to instruct
young Braille readers.<br><br>
If you are interested in participating in this study or getting more
information, please contact me via email at
<a href="mailto:fmd22@pitt.edu">fmd22@pitt.edu</a>, by calling
412-521-5797, or by writing to me at:<br><br>
Frances Mary D'Andrea<br><br>
5513 Posvar Hall<br><br>
University of Pittsburgh<br><br>
Pittsburgh PA 15260<br><br>
If you are under 18, you MUST have your parents' or guardians'
permission. A consent form will be send to you in braille or
electronically after you verify that you are:<br><br>
1. between the ages of 16-22<br><br>
2. a student enrolled in school<br><br>
3. a braille reader<br><br>
4. a user of electronic assistive technology devices, hardware, or
If you are under 18, your parents will also receive a consent form that
must be signed before you can participate.<br><br>
Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your interest!
Frances Mary D'Andrea<br>