MassABS Update <br><br>
The Massachusetts Association of Blind Students has just created a new
NFB.org email list. To join visit
<a href="??.htm">http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/massabs_nfbnet.org</a>
or send e-mail to massabs-request@nfbnet.org and put the word subscribe
in the subject line.<br>
This mailing list is a list for all Massachusetts students (at any
educational level) including non-traditional students. This list also is
a resource for any person who is interested in the subject of blind
students in Massachusetts even if their not blind, not a member of the
NFB, etc. Subscribers can also learn more about the organized blind and
the services that are available to them in Massachusetts. <br><br>
The list will allow the Massachusetts Association of Blind Students to
communicate between meetings and also invite communication with students
who are not part of the NFB.<br><br>
This list will be used to post any events, announcements, fund raisers,
and more. Most importantly, the list will be used to help the students of
Massachusetts to network, discuss, solve, and discover new methods to
resolve various questions. <br><br>
If you have any questions please contact the list moderator Mark
Mark Cadigan<br><br>
MassABS secretary <br><br>
<a href="??.htm">Kramc11@gmail.com</a> <br><br>