[VABS] Washington Seminar

Andre Hill andrehill6188 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 22 15:37:18 UTC 2017

Good Morning Members,

Last night, I participated in a National Legislative Committee conference call
pertaining to Washington Seminar.

Overall, a few things we discussed where, how to get prepared to meet with
their representatives or their aides, putting together a handout with
additional information, what to wear, possibility of various door prizes at
the event.

There are a few major things I would like to highlight:
-When it comes to the letters, five is the minimum amount that we need but
anymore than that is always helpful.
-There is a bit of a competition with the others states to see who can get
the most letters of support.
-I will be extend the population of who we get letters of support from.
What I mean is that not only would it be helpful to hear directly from you
about your experience but also your parents and friends.
-I will be writing a letter and sending it to you soon so you can forward
it to your parents and friends about how they can assist in passing this

As your Legislative Committee Chair, I will do my best to keep you up to
date on events such as Richmond and Washington Seminars but also any other
pieces of legislation that impact your life directly as blind and visually
impaired students. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions,
concerns or comments and I will be glad to respond.

Sincerely Yours,

André E. Hill

-Chair, Legislative Committee
Virginia Association of Blind Students
National Federation of the Blind of Virginia

-Student Member
Electronic Information & Technology Advisory Board
Tidewater Community College

-Member- Planning Activities Committee & Alumni Advisory Council
Maryland Youth Leadership Forum

"I see my path, but I don't know where it leads. Not knowing where I'm
going is what inspires me to travel it.”-Rosalía de Castro

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