[VABS] Legislative Update

André Hill andrehill6188 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 19 16:39:10 UTC 2019

Dear Members,

I am please to inform you that since my last report, we have two bills that
have been introduced:

S. 3095 - Accessible Instructional Materials in Higher Education Act
Sponsor: Sen. Warren, Elizabeth [D-MA] 12/18/2019
Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO]* 12/18/2019
Sen. Sullivan, Dan [R-AK]* 12/18/2019
Sen. Tester, Jon [D-MT]* 12/18/2019
Sen. Ernst, Joni [R-IA]* 12/18/2019

H.R. 5312 - Accessible Instructional Materials in Higher Education Act
Rep. Courtney, Joe [D-CT-2]* 12/05/2019

List of Co-Sponsors have been added to the following bills since my last

H.R. 2086 - Accessible Technology Affordability Act of 2019
Rep. Garcia, Jesus G. "Chuy" [D-IL-4] 10/04/2019
Rep. Eshoo, Anna G. [D-CA-18] 10/04/2019
Rep. Crow, Jason [D-CO-6] 10/08/2019
Rep. Morelle, Joseph D. [D-NY-25] 10/08/2019
Rep. Stevens, Haley M. [D-MI-1] 10/11/2019
Rep. Aguilar, Pete [D-CA-31] 10/28/2019
Rep. Luria, Elaine G. [D-VA-2] 10/31/2019
Rep. LaHood, Darin [R-IL-18] 11/12/2019
Rep. Ryan, Tim [D-OH-13] 11/18/2019
Rep. Kirkpatrick, Ann [D-AZ-2] 11/20/2019
Rep. Foster, Bill [D-IL-11] 11/29/2019
Rep. Pocan, Mark [D-WI-2] 12/04/2019

H.R. 873 - Transformation to Competitive Employment Act
Rep. Haaland, Debra A. [D NM-1]      10/15/2019
Rep. Case, Ed [D-HI-1] 11/22/2019
Rep. DeFazio, Peter A. [D-OR-4] 12/03/2019
Rep. Cole, Tom [R-OK-4] 12/16/2019

S. 815 - Access Technology Affordability Act of 2019
Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME] 12/11/2019

The following bills remain unchanged since my last report, I continue to be

H. R. 3929 - Greater Accessibility and Independence through Nonvisual
Access Technology Act (GAIN)

S. 260 - Transformation to Competitive Employment Act

* ---Original Cosponsor

Below is a list of the members of the Virginia Delegation:

Email: lastname.senate.gov
Mark Warner
703 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-2023
Tim Kaine
231 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-4024

Members of the House of Representatives:
Email: lastname.house.gov

Robert J. Wittman  District: 1
2055 Rayburn House Office Building
(202) 225-4261

Elaine G. Luria  District: 2
534 Cannon House Office Building
(202) 225-4215

Robert C. "Bobby" Scott  District: 3
1201 Longworth House Office Building
(202) 225-8351

Donald McEachin  District: 4
314 Cannon House Office Building
(202) 225-6365

Denver Riggleman  District: 5
1022 Longworth House Office Building
(202) 225-4711

Ben Cline  District: 6
1009 Longworth House Office Building
(202) 225-5431

Abigail Spanberger  District: 7
1239 Longworth House Office Building
(202) 225-2815

Donald S.Bayer, Jr.  District: 8
1119 Longworth House Office Building
(202) 225-4376

Morgan Griffith  District 9
2202 Rayburn House Office Building
(202) 225-3861

Jennifer Wexton  District: 10
1217 Longworth House Office Building
(202) 225-5136

Gerald Connelley  District 11
2238 Rayburn House Office Building
(202) 225-1492

I encourage you to email, call, and use social media to reach out your
member of Congress and let them know that our voices and our concerns

I am at your service and if I can be of assistance please feel free to
reach out to me.

Thank You,

André E. Hill

-Chair, Legislative Committee
Virginia Association of Blind Students
National Federation of the Blind of Virginia

-Co-Chair, Legislative Committee
National Association of Blind Students
National Federation of the Blind

"I see my path, but I don't know where it leads. Not knowing where I'm
going is what inspires me to travel it.”-Rosalía de Castro

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