[Vendorsmi] What Happened During the Closed Session of the EOC Meeting?

Joe Sontag suncat0 at gmail.com
Thu May 2 01:18:55 UTC 2013

The first fallout from this monster has reached my in-box and I now present it as I received it.

Don't waste time asking who's behind it or calling me ugly names when I tell you truthfully that I don't know.  I don't care who wrote it; but I agree with the author's point of view.

Joe Sontag

Well! Well!, Mr Chaney, You threw Hazel under the bus again by voting to keep her
off the EOC chair.  You seem to talk out of both sides of your mouth while trying
to get the operators to take you seriously. Everyone knows "Bobbie" is an agency
man all the way. This is the real reason he got bounced off the EOC the first time.
He serves for personal glory, not for the operators benefit. Mr. Essenberg, you have
a lot of balls trying to tell operators they can't ask questions about BEP finances.
One doesn't forfeit their 1st Amendment rights when joining the EOC. We have the
right to speak our mind. Operators, do you know that Essenberg and Chaney are having
secret weekly meetings with BEP staff? Wonder why? Do you like the "mushroom game"
of being kept in the dark and fed horse shit? Wake up people, this program will never
get stronger while this type of deception is allowed to continue.
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