[vendtalk] Very important BLAST alert!!!

Kevan Worley kevanworley at blindmerchants.org
Mon Mar 2 18:57:12 UTC 2009

NABM leadership agrees to extend pre-registration deadline! 


Over the last 48 hours, we have received numerous appeals to extend the
deadline for pre-registration savings. As you know, some blind vendors,
many, live on very limited incomes. Some have been working to save money to
attend BLAST 09 upward mobility. Some have needed to wait until early March
to organize financing. Also, given the state of the economy, it is very
understandable that some folks have waited until the last minute. We want to
serve our constituents. We have always felt it important that BLAST should
be a model of customer service, even though we are only volunteers putting
this event together. We also know how important it is that our members can
network and share ideas. We know that our tradeshow provides hands on
information about new vending, franchising, snacks, drinks, food, etc. And
we know that our expanded upward mobility training is educational and often
very empowering. 


Therefore, we are extending the pre-registration deadline until March 12.
Only a very few stipends/scholarships for blind vendors, agency staff
members and consumers considering business careers in or out of
Randolph-Sheppard remain. 


Thanks to all of you who met the deadline. Please be understanding of your
colleagues who wish to have the same training by attending BLAST 09 and
please urge your friends and colleagues to act now so that they can still
take advantage of hotel reservation and pre-registration savings. 


Visit www.blindmerchants.org <http://www.blindmerchants.org/>  where you can
also register for the winery excursion for $55, the casino trip for $35, and
the transformation luncheon, Wednesday April 1 at noon, for $35. 


See you in Indianapolis.


At Your Service, 

Kevan Worley


National Association of Blind Merchants

(866) 543-6808


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