[VendTalk] Let's Go Shopping gift extravaganza

David Andrews dandrews920 at comcast.net
Fri Oct 25 02:42:07 UTC 2024

>Save the date!  Kick off the 2024 holiday 
>season with the annual Let's Go Shopping gift 
>extravaganza!  What is it?  It's an epic, 2 
>day, online, accessible, virtual mall crawl like 
>no other.  Find perfect presents from over a 
>dozen small business entrepreneurs who will 
>offer everything from gadgets and gizmos to 
>fashion and fragrance, leather goods to 
>hand-turned woods, braille adornments and 
>holiday ornaments, home decor and much, much, 
>more!  Shop til you drop November 8 and 9, be 
>sure to bring a friend!  Get all the details 
>plus your event invitation by sending a blank 
>email to lgs+subscribe at groups.io or opt in at:
>Support a small business and knock those names 
>off your list from the comfort of your 
>couch.  Or, shop for yourself and get 
>everything you *really* want this holiday 
>season.  Ready for a little retail therapy?  Let's Go Shopping!
>  <l.legendary at elegantinsightsjewelry.com>

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