[Wasagdu] purdy

Becky Frankeberger b.butterfly at comcast.net
Thu Aug 13 22:16:20 UTC 2015

Debby talked about on another list Purdy prison and them training service
dogs. I read a blog not all that long ago and I think the program is still
going on. The young lady writing the blog had five or six persons in the
training class all person with different disabilities but all could walk.
She talked about going on field trips once they felt the matches were good.
They talked a lot about obedience, keeping the dogs near and in full control
that sort of thing.  I don't remember them teaching the dogs any particular
skills, however. Wonder Debby if you google Purdy blogs, you might just find
out more. 


There was a man on the bus with me so proud his wife had a dog from the
Purdy stock. This dog supposedly could detect seizures. He told me all the
Purdy dogs could detect seizures. So you see his information was faulty.
The blog this gal had the dogs were all mixes and different sizes, though
none were of the smaller breeds.


I actually did get to ride the bus with his wife and her very calm quiet
dog. The dog walked nicely by Jake to get off the bus.  


Becky Frankeberger

Butterfly Knitting

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becky at butterflyknitting.com


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