[Wasagdu] A couple things

Debby Phillips semisweetdebby at gmail.com
Tue Sep 22 03:54:40 UTC 2015

Hi all, I'm happy to tell you that Nova is recovering.  She had 
surgery today to remove a foreign body.  It turned out to be a 
little plastic toy dog.  I have no idea how in the world she got 
it.  I'm thinking that perhaps it was on the bus.  On THURSDAY 
there was a mom with a bunch of kids.  Whether the kid dropped 
their toy or just outright handed it to her, somehow I failed to 
notice.  Both dogs and kids move quickly and so who knows exactly 
how it happened.  But some $2'000 later, lots of pain for Nova, 
tears and sleeplessness, I am happy to say that she is in 
recovery.  I will be getting her a basket muzzle, dough.  Cleo 
had one, and eventually pretty much outgrew the need for it.  But 
I definitely want one for Nova for awhile.    Debby

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