[Wasagdu] DOJ doncument

Becky Frankeberger b.butterfly at comcast.net
Mon Sep 28 18:40:30 UTC 2015

Sorry about the spelling in the subject line. Anyway, one thing we all can
do is buy or print out the DOJ document on service dogs and give it to our
doctors, stores we frequent and so forth. If you can circle the numbers that
apply to the particular business. My husband talked to the new Manager at
Fred Meyer and he was familiar with the document. Kevin took time to just
remind him that service dogs do not ride in the cart, if they are real.
Service dogs stay close to the handler and are task trained. The Manager
said your dog's show me what real service dogs are, and thanked Kevin for
being a wonderful example of the DOJ guidelines in the flesh. 


At my doctor's office the doctor asked several questions like, Your dogs
don't smell. Do all service dogs have to smell clean like yours. The trail
off rest of the sentence was, to be real service dog. Then complemented how
quiet the dog was. The trail off comment was, so I can examine you without
interference. The reason I know about the trail off words is the next
patient had a pet dog with her. This bimbo made her dog walk right by ours.
This little dog was scared. That's not fair to the little dog. Then she
turned and said this is my service dog. I shook my head no, as the ladies at
the desk were watching her dramatics. They told me there was nothing they
could do. So I wished I had a copy to give to the doctor to give to the
receptionist.  So something to consider doing, acting upon for this chapter.


Becky Frankeberger

Butterfly Knitting

-           Ponchos

-           Afghans

-           Shawls

-           Custom Knitting


becky at butterflyknitting.com


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