[Wasagdu] Carson May, recovery

Becky Frankeberger b.butterfly at comcast.net
Sat Feb 13 15:53:53 UTC 2016

Seeing Eye graduate Mike May's son Carson went missing while skiing at
Sugarbowl on January 14th, 2016. He has not yet been found. Here's an update
from Mike May that was posted on  his son's memorial fund page at:





Our deepest thanks to everyone who has sent cards, emailed, commented on FB
and contributed to Carson's GoFundMe campaign.


It has now been 4 weeks since the massive search was launched for Carson
May. The search has changed from search and rescue to search and recovery. 


There have been a couple leads, which have resulted in 3 more searches and
digging in the deep snow but with no success.


At the same time that I am researching and learning about early rescue
technologies, I am also looking for ways to find a body deep under snow

we have a likely location. One possibility is Ground Penetrating Radar. This
is typically used to locate pipes and wires under streets but there is a

that is used on the snow. This radar can scan through snow up to 10 feet or
so. We are considering giving this a try.


I have to believe that there are other options as Carson is not the first
person to be lost under deep snow. There were 11 avalanche deaths in the US

January alone and Carson wasn't listed as one of them. Searching in snow is
obviously different than searching under rubble from earthquakes. It is a

problem so I believe there is something out there I have not learned about



Our thanks to everyone who sent suggestions and links to information. It
takes a village to solve problems like search and rescue and recovery if


I have purchased two devices for our son Wyndham to test out of my pocket.
One is a conventional avalanche beacon called the Arva Neo. After

the Spot and Delorme InReach satellite tracking devices, I ordered the
InReach Explorer. Wyndham can test these in back country snow areas as well
as when

he is working for the Forestry department this summer in Tahoe.


I will continue to provide periodic updates as well as posting relevant
links on the SAR link of 



Hugs and thanks to everyone!

Carson's dad and family


Carson went missing while skiing at Sugarbowl on January 14th, 2016 and has
not yet been found. Traditional search and rescue efforts were monumental,

but not successful. Several technologies could not be deployed quickly
because of privacy limitations, jurisdictional issues, and lack of prompt


Our goal is to ensure that future search teams are aware of, and have quick
access to, state of the art SAR technology tools. Details about Carson's

and information about the resources we discover will be posted at 

www.carsonmay <http://www.carsonmay> 



Carson would be the first to rant about how bad the tech was in this
situation and how we could make it better for someone else in the future. If
we save

one life, we are successful and we honor Carson.


-With love from Carson's dad and family 




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