[blindkid] When your child realizes she's different....

Pat Chadwick radiowalker at disabilityhistory.org
Tue Nov 18 20:58:22 UTC 2008

This is true. My 16-year-old says that she would like to be able to see but
her blindness isn't something that she is depressed or sad about and she
isn't obsessed with being able to see. She just thinks it would be easier
plus she would be less different (she also has the difference of being a
transracial adoptee).



Also we have to be careful with totally blind kids to separate out true just
plain curiosity in trying to understand and figure out what sight even is
and is capable of verses true sadness at or doubts about blindness. It is
important not to mix those things up-they are two totally different things.

Carrie Gilmer, President

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