[blindkid] computers as school credit

Richard Holloway rholloway at gopbc.org
Sun Sep 16 19:04:44 UTC 2012

> With this being now a REQUIRED class I have more ground to stand on to force the issue past looking into things and moving slowly, they lost their chance on that issue.  

If I might offer one more thought on this point-- I believe if the school OFFERS the class, it should be made accessible unless there is a compelling reason to the contrary; that is unless there is truly no possible way to adapt the class or activity. An example that comes to mind would be demanding drivers education through school for a child without light perception and telling them you want an accessible car provided and so forth. For now, that would seem unreasonable (though the NFB is working on such a car for the future too).

Now they're not going to require drivers ed., but if a truly non-adaptable, required class comes along, they will really have painted themselves into a corner and they'll have to change the requirement or make a reasonable exception.

We actually sat in an IEP for our daughter once and were asked what is it we wanted that we weren't getting in regards to allowing her into a program for which she had already qualified, but they were attempting to avoid the hassle of having to make this an actual option for her.

The answer was simple: "Access to the same education the rest of the children have."

A huge silence in the room followed the response, and yes, she is now in the program.

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