[blindlaw] U.S. Atty office job postings

Ross Doerr rumpole at roadrunner.com
Wed Dec 8 13:27:10 UTC 2010

  * DEPUTY CHIEF, GS-905-15 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE CRIMINAL DIVISION HUMAN RIGHTS AND SPECIAL PROSECUTIONS SECTION WASHINGTON, D.C. 11-CRM-HRSP-009The position is open until filled but applications must be received by the Section no later than December 24, 2010. [ http://justice.gov/oarm/jobs/10-11-crm-hrsp-009.htm ] 
  * U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE EXECUTIVE OFFICE FOR UNITED STATES ATTORNEYS GENERAL COUNSEL'S OFFICE Attorney Advisor, GS-0905-15 VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT NO: 11-EOUSA-003 OPEN: 12/07/2010 CLOSE: 12/24/2010.  [ http://justice.gov/oarm/jobs/10-11-eousa003.htm ] 

"All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure."

- - - Mark Twain 

Ross A. Doerr Esquire
Admitted to Practice in
Maine and New Hampshire
F. Ct. Admission: ME. N.H.

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