[blindlaw] Re Research Technology - thank you

Elizabeth Rene emrene at earthlink.net
Mon May 17 18:41:51 UTC 2010

Thanks to all of you who have sent your comments about using Westlaw and 
Lexis with screen reader software.

I'm very grateful to you.

And please, if there's anyone who hasn't written yet about research 
technology and techniques for blind lawyers, keep writing!

Here's some more grist for the mill.

Does anyone know of a Braille or electronic version of the Uniform System of 

What about the Restatements of the Law?

How do you Shepherdize?

How do you draft legislation and review bills in progress?

How do you mark clerks papers on appeal?

How do you prepare trial notebooks?

What have been your best techniques for organizing and presenting oral 
argument on appeal?

I'm speaking of the use of technology re all of this.

When I practiced, I didn't have any blind lawyers to talk to, so I winged it 
a lot.  I tried cases at all levels of state court, and argued regularly 
before my state's court of appeals and supreme court.  I also conducted 
hearings and settlement conferences, and wrote formal opinions.

So I'll share my experience and advice too, for what it's worth.




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