[blindlaw] Justia legal web site

Ross Doerr rumpole at roadrunner.com
Mon Nov 7 23:48:30 UTC 2011

Has anyone on this web site experienced a particularly 
obtuse mentality with Justia's web site?

 Last year I was laid off from my job, and since then I've been trying to get my online information reset to be accurate.

Justia has me shown as still working at my old office. I have created a new profile for them and have asked them to take down the old information. Their "removal" process isn't what one can call accessible, so I contacted them and asked them to get in touch with me, being blind I'd like to work out how to get the information corrected. This has caused a series of emails where they insist that I do things their way.

I keep telling them that, since the process they want used sin't accessible, why don't they just give me a call so we can work out a more realistic verification method. 

They continue to ignore that simple approach.

Has anyone else experienced this?



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