[blindlaw] New list member with a question

shannon shannon at bartchroofing.com
Thu Apr 12 16:27:23 UTC 2012

Good morning all,
I am not a lawyer but have a question for the blind lawyers.
In the age of legal documents being available on the web but in most cases in inaccessible formats how do you all handle gaining access to them?
Are you responsible as individuals for gaining access to them or is there a provision that the legal documents be in an accessible format?

I am involved in a law suit that I want to get more background on and I am finding that the documents available on the Web and through governmental agencies are mostly in formats that are not accessible with a screen reader.
I want to read this information but most of it is scanned and in rather poor fonts for OCR with the readily available OCR programs.
Thanks for any information
Shannon Bartch

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